Saturday, April 19, 2008

Saturday tournament Lost!

LALALA Saturday

Morning eat crappy food, then go GC and my original opponent was not they since he like not able to come at saturday so l just play with my left over opponent 'Shaun'
The match may go smoothly in the beginning, then that happended the suckiest dice rolls all time, my 1st, 2+ save
for my Flying HiveRant got double 1 and suffer 2 wounds, most of my hit/would/save roll appear triple 1,
and he rolled alot Sixes (666 as example), he can even roll triple 6 twice (6 of Sixes) and at last duel to some luck he deep strike at my quarter and claim it so l lose.

Dinner, makan at Chinese Restaurant in group

Vincent and Ashram match

(When Ashram playing, l got no idea his standing style like exercises, keep shaking left to right and the leg keep higher up and down XD)

Saturday Additional Bonus
Yayness, Richie lend me some DVD's again

Too bad, 'Meet the Spartan' had lend some1 else

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