The next morning woke up is like really Yay, battery of my new phone is fully charged for 10 hours plus can use, but is not what l expected, my dad told me u need go upgrade my sim card 1st.. (Lame whats the point to upgrade it at all, that he said will spoiled my new phone if lm using the old sim card)
lalala after go college, finish class, back from college, my mum fetch me along with my dad go upgrade the sim card, is like no choice since dad force me go upgraded after paid 25 ringgit,, then go eat with them,, finally can have a try of my new handphone ~ whee ~ omgosh ~ 1st time use a phone that so advance since my old phone is cheapskate phone that cost 400+ only,, hard to handle.
Head back home after finished makan, some how my dad immediately call me go take a picture at his mouth, that he said got scar, spoiled, bitten injured or sort of smt like those, lm a 1st timer to use a camera especialy in phone is so hard to take those photo, especialy his toungue is blocking, his mouth without light is so dark and etc, cant take exactly where's the scar part, he scolded me with tons of lame 2pid foul language or bad words.. is like WTH did l done? just cant take a right photo for beginner ntng can blame what.. tocturing me for like 1 hours helping him take a pic at his mouth injured part and along with his 2pid toungue blocking the angle..
l call it as fine .. when l try switch on my PC for transfer some songs and imgae to my new phone and start to do assignment etc and so on.. just b4 l touch the button to switch it on my dad call me again ~

Company him to go see dentist at AmcoMall (duno how spell it), but the dentist we seek for is unavailable at that time.. and jalan for a mean while, my dad feel tired wan to sit down and eat smt because earlier he dint eat much (as the pic at top they), then after finished makan my dad want me company him to midvalley, to look for some furniture at those sales and smt kind of fare .... jalan whole day they look at those furnitures, house thingy such as tv, fridge kitchen stuff, air purifier and beginning my dad wanted to order wood thing for the floor and we sit they listen to price, knowledge while l playing with my new phone and take the following pic that uncle appear infront of me have some nice pose enjoying the Spidy 2" (the wood at left is what he was ordering and lm looking at TV)

After several hours we finish look through all things.. is like around 9pm.. crap ~ so late and l leave so many ass haven do yet, and my dad said wan go makan steak kind of food... then head to Chilli.. expensive but doesnt means nice restoran

After gone home is 11 alredy, my dad still so annoying and crappy they talk rubbish, he said himself he wan me sit next to him at the hall they with him purposely wan to make me cant sit at the infront of the pc for so long (WTH is in his mind.. I cant do my assignment without my PC)
And so he succeeded at last that he stopped me for 1 hours that cant get to the pc and l can only start my work at 12am plus ~ Lame ~ slp at like 2 smt