Too busy, no time to update blog at all, delay 1 weeks later ~
Last week GC gotta close at early evening, to attent Terrence wedding.
Dont hav any pics on the wedding but some normal pic at that day in GC
Omg, wad is he doing with his cloth?
the gang at the right looks cool
Dan look so cool as well, he attend the wedding too
the right side is Vincy, he look so lovely or sweet, eatting dinner together with him and some others near Atria.
when l paking my room and found this
a 50 Ringgit Malaysia limited collection bought at 1997 in a price of 100$
(which is twice its original price worth)
Ah Ha ~ Found Big Fat Mama in a Lab !
Pre-Registration is crowded with creatures
A lot unfamiliar creatures here, make me feel so uncomfirtable
But in 1st place why Pre-Regis will be in a lab anyway?!?!
But at least it could let me DL Anime since lab in super Spd (such like 200kb /sec)
2pid priceless set which l so regreted to ordered
Somehow l did made a mistake to ordered this that l tot it will be more worth but not, just the drink individually it cost 4$, overall taste ntng special
Even police also want to noe more bout presentation
Yayness that our group suppose to be 1st group to present, but delay to nex week.
My view is just so wrong while l eating but facing the laptop's back
at the same day Daniel suggest me to take this
The 2pid maxis staff had gav me the wrong damn thing, l want a big mordemwhich l written down on the list, but still gav me the usb instead. Well, still in 7days free trial just use it for that, but the pd is so slow. It cost 118 per month.
The nex saturday l go to 1U to change the 2pid maxis broadband
and also eat with mum in Dragon-i
He at 1U too, D.Lee so l called him to company me ask the maxis thingy since he so exp bout it.
Then l asked the same 2pid chinese staff that serve me that day, he dun even noe he gav me the wrong application instead, so ask him where can l get he replied with duno again. how retarted he is.
he felt so happy bout it
Then D.Lee knew that CY going to eat Dragon-I with mum, then he asked me can l treat him, l suggest no, but he still follow me till l met my mum, so he success.
The best part he even ate more then CY ( for him in person count lik 40$ + on my mum treat)
A lot of Buns!
An unfriendly handsome, waited him for 6 hours at last ntng hav solve

a semi tournament match wait him for 6 hours and he slack to the max but still cant even finish 1st round and gotta rematch
Sunday BreakOut ~!! Rakuzen -ness ~
Fried Tofu to share ~ Dragon Roll for shareness ~
My set, l ordered a dinner set- Maru-set =rm78
the 1 bowl got tempure, shashimi and unagi
The presentation Day! alot is so frightening and excited
Daniel and Maxis had failed me !!
That he suggest me to use it, but it is damn freakin slow ! within 7 days so return to refund 100$
Daniel after eat Dragon-I and said will sms, msn me but was 2 days later oni do that.
Then Maxis service sux, waited so long, systems down, and a bunch of customers come to return broadband as well. So doubtlessly l just cancel it immedietly.
Pics of the week ~ Brilliant Pose